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SaveWild Cats

Tigers, the largest of the big cats, are symbols of power, strength, and grace. Found mainly in Asia, these majestic creatures have captured the imagination of humans for centuries.

makeCats Safe

With their iconic orange fur, black stripes, and piercing eyes, tigers are both feared and revered in the cultures where they are found. Unfortunately, despite their formidable presence, tigers are facing a grave threat to their existence.

The Plight of the Tiger

The decline in tiger populations is primarily due to habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict. As human populations expand, forests are cleared for agriculture, infrastructure, and urbanization, leading to a significant reduction in the natural habitats that tigers depend on. This not only limits the space available for tigers to roam and hunt but also leads to the fragmentation of their habitats, isolating populations and making it harder for them to find mates and maintain genetic diversity.



Tiger Cubs

it's time to act

Poaching remains a severe threat to tigers. The demand for tiger parts, used in traditional medicine and as status symbols, drives illegal hunting and trafficking. Despite international bans and efforts to curb this illegal trade, poaching persists, driven by high prices on the black market. Tigers are also caught in snares set for other wildlife, leading to injuries or death.

The Importance of Tiger Conservation

The conservation of tigers is not just about saving a single species. Tigers are apex predators and play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems. They help control the populations of herbivores, which in turn ensures the health and diversity of the forests they inhabit. Healthy forests provide vital ecosystem services, such as clean air, water, and carbon sequestration, which are essential for combating climate change.

Strategies for Tiger Conservation

Saving tigers from extinction requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the various threats they face. One of the most effective strategies for tiger conservation is the establishment and management of protected areas. These areas provide safe havens where tigers can live and breed without the threat of poaching or habitat destruction. However, simply designating protected areas is not enough. They must be well-managed, with sufficient resources for monitoring and enforcement to ensure that tigers and their prey are safeguarded.

qualified Team

We have gathered a team of highly qualified animal protection experts.

protecting all Species

Besides wild cats, we also aim to protect and save other species of wild animals.

global Work

Our organization works globally to help rescue more endangered species.


Saved species


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Global Efforts and the Path Forward