Who we are


The Sly Arctic Fox

Arctic foxes are small but resilient animals, thriving in some of the harshest climates on Earth. Their thick fur changes color with the seasons, white in winter to blend with snow, and brown in summer to match the tundra. These clever foxes are known for their resourcefulness, often scavenging for food and following polar bears to catch leftover scraps. Their adaptability to extreme cold is fascinating to observe.

The Vibrant Flamingos

Flamingos are instantly recognizable by their long, thin legs and bright pink feathers, a result of their diet rich in algae and shrimp. These wading birds often stand on one leg, a behavior that puzzles scientists to this day. Flamingos are social animals, usually found in large flocks, and their synchronized movements are a beautiful sight for visitors. Their vibrant colors and elegant posture make them one of the most iconic zoo birds.


The Silent Owls

Owls are nocturnal birds of prey known for their silent flight and piercing yellow eyes. Their ability to turn their heads nearly 270 degrees makes them expert hunters, detecting even the smallest movement in the dark. Owls play a vital role in controlling rodent populations, making them key to maintaining ecological balance. Visitors are often intrigued by their calm yet alert demeanor.

The Lively Capuchin Monkeys

Capuchin monkeys are small, energetic primates known for their intelligence and curious nature. These monkeys are often seen using tools and solving complex problems, showcasing their remarkable cognitive abilities. Capuchins are highly social, living in large troops where they communicate through a variety of vocalizations and gestures. Their playful behavior and quick movements make them a delight for zoo visitors to watch.

The Majestic Bald Eagles

Bald eagles are powerful birds of prey, recognized by their striking white heads and large wingspans. As a symbol of strength and freedom, they are revered in many cultures, especially in North America. These raptors are excellent hunters, primarily feeding on fish and small mammals. Visitors are often captivated by their soaring flight and piercing gaze, which can spot prey from great distances.

The Spirited Zebras

Zebras are known for their distinctive black and white stripes, which serve as camouflage in the grasslands of Africa. These social animals live in herds, relying on each other for protection from predators like lions. Zebras have a strong sense of community and often form close bonds with their group members. Their unique stripes are not only eye-catching but also provide an important survival tool in the wild.

The Shy Giant Anteaters

Giant anteaters are fascinating animals with long snouts and sticky tongues, which they use to eat ants and termites. These solitary creatures are known for their unique appearance and gentle nature. Anteaters have strong claws for digging into anthills, and their long, bushy tails provide balance and warmth. Visitors are often intrigued by their slow, deliberate movements and specialized diet.

The Graceful Swans

The Agile Cheetah

Cheetahs are the fastest land animals, capable of reaching speeds of up to 70 miles per hour in short bursts.

The Colorful Clownfish

Clownfish are small, brightly colored fish often seen swimming among the tentacles of sea anemones.

The Endearing Koalas

Koalas are marsupials native to Australia, known for their sleepy demeanor and love of eucalyptus leaves.

The Mighty Polar Bears

Kangaroos, native to Australia, are known for their powerful hind legs and ability to hop at high speeds.



The Clever Raccoons

Raccoons are known for their dexterous hands and intelligence, often seen using their paws to open containers and find food.


The Powerful Gorillas

Gorillas are the largest primates, known for their strength and family-oriented behavior. Living in troops led by a dominant silverback male, they form close-knit social structures.


The Mischievous Lemurs

Lemurs, native to Madagascar, are small primates with large, expressive eyes and long, bushy tails.


Penguins are flightless birds perfectly adapted to life in the cold waters of the Southern Hemisphere. These social animals live in colonies, working together to survive the harsh Antarctic conditions.


221, Anaper, Uttar Pradesh 212411, , India

Telephone : +918821016902

Email : ap9086013@gmail.com